Manager’s Messages

Balcony Project Update

The Board of Directors has decided to change contractors for the remaining phases of the balcony project. Anchored Construction will complete phase 3 this year and is scheduled to begin phase 4 at the start of next year.

Roofing and Balcony Project Updates

ADCO South has started to tear off building #19 and they anticipate completing this building by Friday, July 19th or sooner. There has been an increase of plywood replacement specifically for building #19. Building #20 is scheduled for tear off on Monday, July 22nd.

RAYCO Exteriors has completed the balcony repairs for phase #1 except for unit #2 that requires engineering plans/drawings. Currently phase #2 is 50 percent completed, they are working on units #86 and #94. On the week of July 15th, RAYCO will begin working on units #101 and #102. The balcony project is still scheduled to be completed within the 9-month timeline.

Adjourned Annual Meeting

Dear Quail Creek Homeowners,

Unfortunately, the Annual Meeting has been canceled due to No Quorum. The Adjourned Annual Meeting date has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 19th at 5pm via Zoom.

Thank you,

Balcony Repair Project - SB326 Update

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the association has finally been approved by the city to commence the balcony repair project and they have accepted the construction detail designs/drawings. This project will start April 1, 2024 pending weather.

2024 Balcony Repair Project

Dear Quail Creek Residents!

B2R Consulting has completed the construction design details needed to start the balcony repair project. The next step is for those details to be filed with the city and we anticipate RAYCO Exteriors will start the project on Friday, March 1, 2024 weather permitted.

Thank you,

Smoke Detector/Carbon Monoxide Form – Permit Requirement

The City of Laguna Hills is requiring the detector/carbon monoxide form to be signed by every homeowner to receive a final roofing city permit for your building for the roofing project.

Beginning January 2024 Management will mail-out a hard copy to every homeowner with instructions to complete and mail back to management.

Roof Update

Dear Quail Creek Residents,

ADCO South has completed building #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 of roof replacement project. They will be starting building #6 on Monday, September 25, 2023 of next week. Notices have been posted on the garages earlier this week informing residents that their building is next for the roof replacement.

Additional Bridge Construction

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the construction of additional hand rails to the new bridge and restoring the direct walkway with steps. This construction will begin Wednesday, August 23, 2023 and it will take approximately a couple of weeks to complete. Also, please keep an eye out for an email with rendering of these new items.

Bridge Construction

Dear Homeowners/Residents:
This letter is being provided to you on behalf of the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Quail Creek-La Paz Condominium Association (“Association”) to update you on the need for certain changes to the pedestrian bridge located near the top of the development and the walkway from the bridge towards certain residences.

As you know, the Board, on behalf of the Association, has a duty to maintain and repair the common area elements. When maintenance and repair is not enough, the common area elements must be replaced. The bridge is one such common area element for which the Association has these duties (see Article I, Section 1.15 and Article II, Section 2.7 of the CC&Rs).

When the Board commissioned the necessary repairs to the bridge two years ago, the expectation was that there would only be repairs needed. However, once the contractor began the work, the Board was informed that the bridge was actually beyond repair and would need to be replaced. In accordance with its duties, the Board approved the replacement of the bridge. In order to replace the bridge, the Association was required to commission plans for city approval that complied with the city’s construction requirements. Typically, the city requires a gap of at least 18 inches between the surface of the stream and the bottom of a bridge. In this case, the Association was able to secure city approval for a shorter gap of 12 inches, but the bridge could not be constructed lower than that. This is why there is a height difference between the former bridge and new one.

The new walkway was installed in a different direction in order to meet slope requirements, which were determined by the height of the new bridge. The Board requested to have a walkway installed where the former walkway was removed. However, the Board was advised that the slope in that area is greater than what the city currently allows. This is also why it was removed; connecting it to the new walkway would apparently cause the new walkway to fall out of compliance with the slope requirements. At this time, the Board is looking into alternative options for that walkway area. An update will be provided to you once one is available.

We recognize that this project may have caused you inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding as we develop our aging community’s components in accordance with current municipal codes and ordinances.

Thank you,

Manager Transition

With a sad heart, Demerie Edington will be leaving Action Property Management as of April 22nd. We want to thank her for her time with Quail Creek & Action.

Effective immediately, the new Community Manager will be Aly Martinez, who is a rising star at Action Property Management. Aly Martinez has over two years of HOA Management experience managing communities similar to Quail Creek and will be a great addition to the Quail Creek Management team.

As for the Senior Manager of Quail Creek, there will be no change as Ryan Darby will remain the Senior on the account and will be working closely with Aly in regards to the Management of Quail Creek.

For any community questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Aly and/or Ryan.

As with any transition, the Board of Directors is in communication with the senior team at Action to insure a smooth transition.

Office: (949) 450-0202

Aly’s e-mail:

Ryan’s e-mail:

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